The Naked Crab

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Yesterday, I noticed my daughter had a broken crayon in her hands. A moment later I looked down and noticed that she had the crayon placed expertly between two fingers. She then appeared to be sucking on it and then puffing.

Horrified parent of three-year old child: "Honey, what are you doing?"

Precocious child's response: "Smoking."

Horrified parent who is also trying to keep a stern face: "Where did you learn to do that?"

Puzzled child's answer: "Daycare. Claire showed me."

Hmmmmmmmmmm.... (indeed)

Later that evening... I was offered a "smoke".

"No thanks, I want to live a long healthy life and not get sick and die."

"It's only pretend mum."

Oh brother.


  • At 2:57 PM, Blogger strauss said…

    Oh Heather, that is scary. I hope Clarie is 3 also and not the daycare lady! But even still, you should emphasise to Amelie that she shoudl let Claire know that she "has quit", because smoking is FOUL AND DISGUSTING!!!!! - even when it is pretend ;)


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