The Naked Crab

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Tongue Twister

How many blogs could a good blogger blog,
if a good blogger could blog blogs,
A good blogger could blogs as many blogs as a good blogger could blog,
if a good blogger could blog blogs.
I've been teaching my kids some tongue twisters, so I thought I would try a few of my own...
Heather Feather hates the Weather
when it rains in pains her brain.
Heather Feather loves the Weather
when it is fine in time for wine she is sublime.
Ok, I am headed more into Dr Seuss territory here... Maybe I need some wine to make the rhyme slip out of my lip a little easier next time... :)
I am back! Please smile.
Ok, my favorite...
She sells seashells, down by the seashore. (What is the second line?) Try it out.
Say this...
Toy boat
Toy boat
Toy boat
Toy boat
Toy boat... stop when you can no longer tell which language you are speaking in.
Red leather Yellow leather Red Leather Yellow leather
(Silly Heather, Crazy Heather, Silly Heather, Crazy Heather)

:) bye bye
Apple pie.

Olive Juice!

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  • At 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Heather and leather go good together.

    See, I'm good at this. ;)

  • At 6:11 PM, Blogger Kathleen said…'re weird. But I'm glad you're back. And I'd say you were definitely into the wine....if not leather.

  • At 7:59 PM, Blogger strauss said…

    "Ha HA HA" to both comments.
    Why not break teh drought with something absurd. Will look forward to more :)


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